I know I am pretty much have an one way ticket to hell for writing this one, but it is really hard to concentrate on someone when they are having facial spasms the whole time. I understand it is hard to deal with and I am lucky that I don't have to do it but going on a date with a guy who does it kinda freaks a girl out.
Let's rewind a couple years to when I thought it was a good idea to meet a guy that messaged me on Facebook. (There is so many things wrong with that sentence alone...) Anyways, I never did say I was the smartest cookie in the jar. If I was a cookie, I would be the misshapen one that is kinda of crunchy but still a really yummy cookie. I digress. Let's mix one part boredom with one part curiosity and you get a semi-quasi awkward meet-up. It doesn't even count as date...cause a date there would have been any kind of activities. Keep your minds clean, please.
Back to the story, boy messaged me on FB and for some reason I thought it was a good idea to exchange numbers. OY VEY. After several texts, I agreed to meet up with him. It gets better...first red flag would probably be he claims to be around the area we both live in and still calls me to see where he should park in the shopping center. Okay, I guess he could have wanted to know so we can park close to another. Thank God, we didn't. Some things do work themselves out. Next red flag would be he wanted to meet in front of the CLOSED dental office. Give me credit here, I said no and that we should meet at Jamaba Juice. So you would think, maybe an appropriate activity would to be get a Jamba Juice and sit and chat. Or get a Jamba Juice and walk around. I was wrong. We walked in and both decided that we didn't really want one. SO...you would think then let's walk around and chat. NOPE...he preferred to stand outside of Jamba Juice and chat. We didn't sit down....we stood there for so long that we saw groups of high school students enter and leave. Then we were still there even after the JJ wokers closed the store and took the chairs in, not it mattered much because we just stood there. I honestly wish I had recorded the conversation...all I can remember is that he had told me that men have more gray matter in their brain so that is why they are better than women. NOTE TO MEN EVERYWHERE: It's probably not a good idea to tell that to a girl you just met. Just a thought. He tried to make it up to me by giving me a hug. Imagine me now, standing with my arms crossed and I told him not to touch me. I might have been a little harsh but apparently he was clueless to it. We continued to stand and chat about something. Obviously, he was stimulating...The night finally came to a close. I think I told him he didn't need to walk me to my car because I had to call my grandma...at 11 at night.
And during the whole time, his face would just spasm. I didn't point it out but I think it might have been due to sports related injury..which would also explain for his judgement. Or maybe he is just that stupid. Let's just say wearing a NYFD t-shirt is not necessary the best clothing option to meet a girl that you are interested in. Let's try a little harder.