Sunday, February 27, 2011

I love Trees.

So before my love of walks in parks, I had a thing for trees. Don't laugh. I don't hate all things green. Really don't laugh.

I guess if there was one event that sparked my course on these adventures, it would be this one. Everyone should put on their imagination hats right about now.

People + Car with leather seats = You can fill in the blanks. Let's add to the mix an alleyway full of trees. See I don't mind being surrounded by trees in this case, it was a nice addition to the atmosphere. All that was missing was some soft soothing music.

Twitchy Face

I know I am pretty much have an one way ticket to hell for writing this one, but it is really hard to concentrate on someone when they are having facial spasms the whole time. I understand it is hard to deal with and I am lucky that I don't have to do it but going on a date with a guy who does it kinda freaks a girl out.

Let's rewind a couple years to when I thought it was a good idea to meet a guy that messaged me on Facebook. (There is so many things wrong with that sentence alone...) Anyways, I never did say I was the smartest cookie in the jar. If I was a cookie, I would be the misshapen one that is kinda of crunchy but still a really yummy cookie. I digress. Let's mix one part boredom with one part curiosity and you get a semi-quasi awkward meet-up. It doesn't even count as date...cause a date there would have been any kind of activities. Keep your minds clean, please.

Back to the story, boy messaged me on FB and for some reason I thought it was a good idea to exchange numbers. OY VEY. After several texts, I agreed to meet up with him. It gets better...first red flag would probably be he claims to be around the area we both live in and still calls me to see where he should park in the shopping center. Okay, I guess he could have wanted to know so we can park close to another. Thank God, we didn't. Some things do work themselves out. Next red flag would be he wanted to meet in front of the CLOSED dental office. Give me credit here, I said no and that we should meet at Jamaba Juice. So you would think, maybe an appropriate activity would to be get a Jamba Juice and sit and chat. Or get a Jamba Juice and walk around. I was wrong. We walked in and both decided that we didn't really want one. would think then let's walk around and chat. NOPE...he preferred to stand outside of Jamba Juice and chat. We didn't sit down....we stood there for so long that we saw groups of high school students enter and leave. Then we were still there even after the JJ wokers closed the store and took the chairs in, not it mattered much because we just stood there. I honestly wish I had recorded the conversation...all I can remember is that he had told me that men have more gray matter in their brain so that is why they are better than women. NOTE TO MEN EVERYWHERE: It's probably not a good idea to tell that to a girl you just met. Just a thought. He tried to make it up to me by giving me a hug. Imagine me now, standing with my arms crossed and I told him not to touch me. I might have been a little harsh but apparently he was clueless to it. We continued to stand and chat about something. Obviously, he was stimulating...The night finally came to a close. I think I told him he didn't need to walk me to my car because I had to call my 11 at night.

And during the whole time, his face would just spasm. I didn't point it out but I think it might have been due to sports related injury..which would also explain for his judgement. Or maybe he is just that stupid. Let's just say wearing a NYFD t-shirt is not necessary the best clothing option to meet a girl that you are interested in. Let's try a little harder.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

New flavors

So it has been brought to my attention that I have been fishing in a goldfish tank, and not the nice huge ones. People are telling me its the one fish tank with a plant. I guess there is no harm in trying out something new. I mean I thought I didn't like brussel sprouts and I had brussel sprout salad the other day and I actually liked it. Who knows I might actually start liking veggies more than meat. I wouldn't hold your breath. But I might not completely gag at them.
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Monday, February 21, 2011


I know I have said it many times but seriously today I am done. It's so done that if I was cooking would well done plus some more. Ok..I lie. Maybe this steak is done but there are other pieces of meat out there.
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Saturday, February 19, 2011

Just a footnote

The stories aren't in chronological order...I know they should be. They will hopefully starting now. And also all of these stories are collection of stories over the last several years. I am not that exciting...actually I am but I also do need some sleep. So enjoy the collection of my adventures.
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I am always multitasking...or maybe juggling is more like it. I don't know if its because I can't focus on one thing or I just need that constant threat of everything coming undone. Either way, juggling is a way to go. Juggling is also a way to know if the guy is a keeper...let's just say if you are coming up with your grocery list while you are with him; then you probably show him the door.
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Friday, February 18, 2011

Full Moon

It was a nice night, not too cold and you can see the stars and the moon but it wasn't full. I thought the full moon happened only once a month. Apparently, I was wrong. To set it up: We are at a rather nice restaurant for a Yelp event. Munching on Vietnamese food where we met some men. I say men because they were definitely older, not your typical mid 20 something year old that can still get away with being stupid. They know better or so I thought. Fast forward to a drink and small chat later. One of the men thought the way to my heart....or pants was to drop his pants and show me his butt. FULL MOON. Let's just say I was not impressed...and he was a fireman (so kinda sad for him). He actually asked me if I liked it. The cherry on top was that he was shocked that I didn't. He tried to give me the puppy dog eyes but there are not big enough eyes that could save him. The only good thing that came out of the night was a story and a Target shopping trip
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Thursday, February 17, 2011


So I am sitting in the back row of the class. And what do I see when I actually look up from my phone, a couple in front of me making kissy faces at each other. Really people, the back rows of a class DOES NOT EQUAL okay to make kissy faces at each other. You don't have to be on each and touching every second of your life. You will survive. I promise.
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Looks Can Be Deceiving...

So apparently I still have it. What you may ask? Someone told me I have the nice vibe. Please don't choke on your spit. If you know me at all, you are probably laughing out loud holding your tummy in pain. I guess maybe I should try it. We will see.
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Cheesy but True

"There's no chance, no destiny, no fate that can hinder the firm resolve of a determined soul." Ella Wheeler Wilcox

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


All of the postings here my stories and my experiences. I apologize if they offend anyone but they are mine. I am not going to sugarcoat it. I have enough cavities as is. I may change names but if you recognize a story and don't want people to know about it, don't tell anyone. I promise I won't tell anyone your real name.

And This is Why I Love My Friends.

A: Why do you want to go there? So you can be sold for a camel?

Me: I am totally worth at least 2 camels and possibly a goat.

A: Yes, yes you are.

It's All in the Details...

I know everyone has heard the saying: what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. I am pretty sure Kanye sang about it too. SO, I totally agree with that but what many people if not most won't tell you or forget to tell you is that true it may not kill you but it might just make you look like hell. wrinkles + bags under your eyes = your age + 20 years. So I guess I will be now on the hunt for anti-aging cream. GREAT.

Karma Points

I have found a way to earn some karma points by baking for the local firemen. Do I actually get them if I end up making new friends?
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Monday, February 14, 2011

I Like It but...

I like milk but it needs to be lactose free or soy milk because I am lactose intolerant. I like chai but it needs to be decaf because the caffeine gives me heart palpitations. I like things but there always seems to be a but. I hope I can find something soon where I can simply just say I like it.

Settling isn't an Option

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Cracked like Humpty Dumpty

I have fallen and I can't get up. I think I am in a rut. It is 10 kinds of awful. It isn't where everything is falling apart and don't get me wrong, I am glad it isn't. I am just stuck. It's all the little things and the addition of it all just makes a big pot of a messy stew. I want out. I know it happens, I just need to find a big bandage and fix it. I have to, ruts suck...especially food ones. Let's not even start on the male ones.
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Saturday, February 12, 2011

What doesn't kill you....

They say what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. They forgot the part as it is hurting that you wish it would just be done. They always leave out the middle part: the part that you have to face, hoping the end of the tunnel will be here soon. I guess the middle part is where all the growing and learning about yourself comes into play. I think however some things I can learn from observation. I don't need to experience food poisoning.
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Friday, February 11, 2011

flavor of the month

Some love chocolate. Some love espresso. I think I can say proudly, I love chai. It started out as something temporary but I think I have to admit to myself; what I thought would be the flavor of the month has been the flavor of comfort.
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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

food-gasm and the all the alikes...

I am pretty sure by now, it is clear I like food. I think I do more research on what to eat for lunch than for my classses. My exam score today reflect that; that is a whole other story. I have to say there have been very few meals where I have achieved food-gasm. I know this may qualify as TMI but oh well. I can count on one hand how many times it has happened...this also applies to men. I guess I just need to find better sources of both. I guess I will just have to continue on and hopefully not lose my mind before I do. I guess at least it's not a total loss on the hunt for it, there are stories that usually end up being filed in my collection.

a walk in the park

If you have ever met me, you can quickly come to the conclusion; I am not a fan of nature. However, one of my adventures with a boy led me to see nature in a whole new light.
Imagine a beautiful day, so naturally I would agree to go on a walk. You think its a harmless activity. Oh how wrong can I be. A walk along the trail led to a big tree off the trail. Next you know, I am knee deep in nature and among other things. I would recommend you use your imagination at this point. All I know is I discover a new fondness for trees and sunny days.
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Saturday, February 5, 2011

Scenario 1

What Would You Do....

Let's say you are casually dating this guy and he decides to stroll down memory lane.

Guy: Remember the first night we hooked up, it was really windy right?

You know that he is referring to some other girl. What would you do?

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

lifetime of chocolate

Maybe its my lack of sleep and the fact that I am crazy to begin with I realized something. I am not ready for a lifetime of chocolate. In the end, that is what I might end up choosing but as tiring and sick as I might get from trying the other flavors, I am not ready to commit to chocolate.
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i need sleep but yet i can't sleep. i am over it. O.V.E.R it.