Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Here Goes Nothing...

Okay, so I am jumping on the band wagon and like everyone else and their mother going to start a blog. And to make it will be about food. Don't get me wrong, i LOVE food. It actually is an issue but that is for a later time. I am just saying, thanks to Yelp and the various foodie blogs, anyone and everyone is writing about food. I guess there is no harm in joining the mass. Like every other person, I have an opinion and it's a rather strong one when it comes to food. To give me some kind of guidance, because anyone that knows me knows I have my moments of spascity and ADD...especially when I am hungry (another thing to look into), I am using the 7 by 7 list of the 100 things to eat before you die. I have completed 2 things on the list. 98 more to go...

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